Friday, December 26, 2008

Un Buen 2008 Para la Gloria de Dios!!! Good bay!!

Cuando ya sabemos cual es nuestra razón de ser en esta vida, es como tener un faro que alumbra nuestro camino, guiándonos en pos de una vida plena, sirviendo con amor a nuestros semejantes.
Sabiendo cuál es nuestro propósito en Dios debemos darnos a la tarea de trazar un plan para cumplir con el mismo.
"Todo hombre debe decidir, una vez en su vida, si se lanza a triunfar arriesgándolo todo, o se sienta tranquilamente a contemplar el desfile de los triunfadores".
"Para vivir de verdad, sólo es posible si se tiene un propósito, de lo contrario nuestra vida será un vacío eterno".

Gracias a Dios por Hacer nos parte de su Mesa, siendo indignos por medio de el sacrificio de Jesus nos hace dignos y no solo eso si no que nos adopta como lo mas preciado ... sus Hijos.

Ultimo Domingo del 2008
!Fue una Bendicion y un buen ambiente entre la hermandad!

Reunion Con diferentes Congragaciones del Area de Panama

Un dia de Accion de Gracias
con la Familia Ballesteros !Muy Especiales!

Celebracion del Dia de las Madres
En Diciembre
Una Experiencia Nueva

Un Dia de Trabajo Diferente
al fin pude hacer algo de mescla...
..lo mejor fue al dia siguiente cuando desperte. HAuaa!!!

Una despedida del 2008
Me invitaron a Predicar en una Congragacion
"Tocumen" una beuna despedida.


Isaac Robert Toussie was one of 19 people that received a Presidential Pardon earlier this week. Toussie, who had been convicted of making false statements to the Housing and Urban Development Department and of mail fraud, was granted a pardon from President George W. Bush on Tuesday, December 23.
Then on Wednesday, December 24, Toussie’s pardon was revoked!

White House press secretary Dana Perino said the decision to revoke the pardon was “based on information that has subsequently come to light.” The new information included the extent and nature of Toussie’s prior criminal offenses and the fact that Toussie’s faither, Robert, had donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Republican Party earlier in the year.

“Given that, this was the prudent thing to do,” Perino said.
The Constitution of the United States gives the President the power to issue pardons to whomever he desires, at any time, but it is most often based upon merit. Under the Constitution, the power to pardon is absolute and cannot be overruled. But apparently, it can be revoked. *

This instance of a Presidential Pardon and its revocation provides opportunity to learn about the pardon that God desires to give EACH of us.
God has offered a pardon to each of us for our sins through the gift of His Son. God loved us so much that He gave His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for OUR sins (John 3:16). God’s pardon, however, must be accepted on His terms: believing Jesus (Acts 16:30-31), turning from sin in repentance (Acts 17:30-31), confessing Christ before men (Romans 10:9-10), and being baptized (immersed) into Christ for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38).

Only two things can make God’s pardon “ineffective” and neither has anything to do with HIM; they have everything to do with US.
First, God will not pardon those who REFUSE His offer. Through the Gospel (“good news”) of Jesus Christ, God continues to invite others to become recipients of His grace (Romans 1:16). Those who ignore or refuse His offer forfeit the pardon, judging themselves unworthy of eternal life (Acts 13:46).

Secondly, God will not pardon those who REJECT His offer. Once one has accepted the gift of salvation through obedience to the Gospel, he/she must continue to live faithfully to the Lord (1 John 1:7). Those who turn away from the Lord, to once again live according to the ways of the world, have rejected Christ and are in danger of losing their salvation UNLESS they repent and return to the Lord (see 2 Peter 2:20-22, Hebrews 6:4-8, 1 Corinthians 15:1-2).
God desires ALL men to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). He has made every provision for our salvation. It is up to US to accept His offer.

!!Que Bien!

Oro a Dios que me de la fortaleza poder continuar y mucha sabiduria para poder cumplir la voluntad de Dios para mi vida en este nuevo periodo en Panama.
Les pido tambien su fortaleza en sus oraciones por mi trabajo en el Reino de Cristo aqui en La Tierra.
!Gracias a Dios, hermanos , amigos , familia y esa gente especial durante todo este año que pasa por todo su apoyo y animo que me brindaron esperando contar con ellos siempre ...que buena falta que pues me haran.
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